One of the basic fundamentals which forms the framework for all my sessions is guidance from both my client's "Spirit Guides" and my "Divine Spiritual Council." I receive direct guidance throughout the session, but mostly I communicate through muscles testing.
We will explore issues, symptoms, and concerns of which you have conscious awareness. During the discovery part of the session you will be explaining to me the basic reasons that brought you to make the appointment. I find frequently that a client's awareness is only the tip of the ice-berg. In order to solve the issue, the root must be exposed, then released or removed. This means we must invariably dig deeper than you will be consciously aware of and invariably, but only momentarily, place you outside of your comfort zone. |
I have a wide variety of tools; techniques, modalities, and methods at my disposal to assist you in releasing, resolving, removing, rejecting, or even banishing problematic imbalances in your energy field, and thereby getting rid of the symptom(s) by which you were bothered.
Muscle testing is a form of biofeedback which involves me tuning into your energy field and directing questions to my client's and my "Spirit Guides." I ask only "yes" or "no" questions and so receive only "yes" or "no" answers. The information received is purely energetic in nature, so there are certain limitations inherent in the knowledge that can be ascertained. However, I have developed my skill with this form of information gathering and find it to be very accurate for pin pointing the root causes of issues and providing guidance as to which tools will be most effective assisting with resolution. |