The Dynamic Soul Process of Transformation, Utilizing the Prosperity Principle™
Realizing the Potential of Your Life's Purpose by Stepping into Your "Divine Birth Right Life"
Realizing the Potential of Your Life's Purpose by Stepping into Your "Divine Birth Right Life"
In the process of growing up, becoming socialized to the cultural environment, family and community in which we live, everyone becomes distracted; side tracked away from our higher purpose, our hearts' desires, the realization of our divinely ordained Birth Right Life™ potential.
This creates within us a gnawing angst; an awareness that our underlying purpose, our reason for being, has been discarded. We've turned away from the fulfillment of our essential self in order to fit in, align with the global human perception, a miasm of our human collective unconsciousness, which will never accept us as we were created to be. It is no wonder we have deep feelings of inadequacy; that we are not appreciated, devalued, invalidated, dismissed.
Birth Rite Technology™ is a comprehensive plan of action that will guide you through the "RITE" of passage, starting from where ever you are along your path, to remind you of your higher purpose, to reconnect you with your hearts' desire, and assist you in clearing away blocks that prevent you from fulfilling your divinely ordained birth "RIGHT" potential.
Birth Rite Technology™ is a cooperative synergism of many powerful spiritual and personal growth methods and tools merged together through intuitive and divinely guided inspiration over the past twenty four years of my own life and alternative healing career experience.
I've witnessed over and over again, through implementation of Birth Rite Technology™ methods the activation of "The Prosperity Principle," resulting in: return to Divine guidance, resolution of fear and angst, remembrance of one's purpose, return of confidence and competence, the joy of realizing one's hearts' desires, and motivation to actively pursuing the realization of one's "Birth Right Life Potential."
Birth Rite Technology™ is founded on the principle of
"Prosperity"; that fulfillment of the higher purpose of all
manifests in prosperity for ALL.
"Prosperity"; that fulfillment of the higher purpose of all
manifests in prosperity for ALL.
"The 'Prosperity Principle™' requires that: 1). all actions and interactions participated in, must result in increase of nurture, edification, or benefit in some quantitative or qualitative character, to all participating elements; 2). all resources are at minimum replaced or increased; and thereby 3). all interactions become beneficial to all and infinitely sustainable for all participating." Tom Hudson |
The principles exercised in Birth Rite Technology™ are demonstrated
during this 5th episode of "Conversations with a Friend™" as Erika Sanchez and I discuss, during her live
Personal Growth & Healing Session, the way in which Soul quickens our true role, activating one's emergent
"Birth Right Identity" which spontaneously challenges the fallacy of miasmal norms of society.
during this 5th episode of "Conversations with a Friend™" as Erika Sanchez and I discuss, during her live
Personal Growth & Healing Session, the way in which Soul quickens our true role, activating one's emergent
"Birth Right Identity" which spontaneously challenges the fallacy of miasmal norms of society.
Ego identity is of limited service to those living eternal life
Patterns of survival have no meaning to those in the process of realizing infinite potential in the vast creative womb of eternity. Let go of the ego identity; the pretense that we are all weak, and embrace the full power of God available within each of us.
Now is the time! The energy of the Divine has shifted into its phase of expansion, directional flow of the universe quickening all to increased spiritual awareness. The momentum of the wave of transformational energy is gathering. It's time. Soak up the life giving energy of expansion. Embrace your true nature as an infinitely powerful soul by linking up with and allowing the flow of God to channel through you and bring prosperity to all.
If you resonate with this message and the path I offer, come join with me in walking the journey of laying aside ego-centric reality, to embrace God-centric actuality. Take the next step toward realization of your true self, reconciling with the "Creative Spark and Genius" from which we all are derived.
Now is the time! The energy of the Divine has shifted into its phase of expansion, directional flow of the universe quickening all to increased spiritual awareness. The momentum of the wave of transformational energy is gathering. It's time. Soak up the life giving energy of expansion. Embrace your true nature as an infinitely powerful soul by linking up with and allowing the flow of God to channel through you and bring prosperity to all.
If you resonate with this message and the path I offer, come join with me in walking the journey of laying aside ego-centric reality, to embrace God-centric actuality. Take the next step toward realization of your true self, reconciling with the "Creative Spark and Genius" from which we all are derived.
We Invite You to Answer Our Poll to Better Serve You
It is our desire to better understand your needs, and thereby to create and provide products and services which better meet your needs.
Please answer the Bullet Point in the poll which best describes the point in your journey, progression toward realization of your divinely ordained, "Birth Right Life" potential.
We look forward to assisting you along your path