This advanced instructional workshop, “Open into the Creative Matrix of the Universe™,” is for those wishing to attain an in-depth knowledge of the newly discovered 7 Concentric Resonant Bands™ of energy which interface with the lotus flowers of the Chakra system and are intimately involved with the state of being of one’s energy bodies.
The expansion or contraction state within these concentric bands determines the effective ability with which the purpose of your existence is realized by the Creative Matrix of the Universe™ to bring about the realization of your Birth Right Life Potential.
All the necessary information and guided instruction, is provided by Rev Tom Hudson PhD with the foundational theory of this technique at an in-depth level during:
Four 2-hour live group teleseminar sessions; experiential instruction with Q&A
Audio files from pre-recorded workshops
Complementary pdf e-Book (includes supporting transcription of the pre-recorded audio files)
The four LIVE TELESEMINAR EVENTS for this workshop are held on four consecutive Saturdays: October 28, November 4, 11, 18, 2017, from 10am – 12noon Pacific. All course materials will be provided by email the Monday prior to the first Teleseminar event. Please note this product includes the most recent updated e-Book version available. All previous versions of this document can no longer be used as substitution when purchasing this workshop.
Product Description This advanced instructional workshop, “Open into the Creative Matrix of the Universe™” teaches in depth focused intent for applying Rev Tom Hudson’s “Self-Acknowledgment Therapy™” to the newly discovered “7 Concentric Resonant Bands™” surrounding your central core channel and within your energy bodies.
Included, is personally focused instruction to assist you with application in your own life, expertly bringing about the resolution of your personal life difficulties or imbalanced belief systems, and the painful circumstances which are reflections of them.
This process will move you powerfully into claiming this expanding state of being as your true identity, and to embrace and develop your newly enhanced life habit of interfacing with the Creative Matrix of the Universe™. Over time this energetic shift will then actively and spontaneously bring about the fulfillment of your Birth Right Life purpose for existing.
This very simple yet easy to use healing modality, is extremely effective in releasing contractile vibrational debris from your 7 Concentric Resonant Bands™, creating an expanding and elevated state of vibration within your physical tissues and all of your energy bodies.
This NEW healing methodology clears you of: all forms of contractile energetic elements, karmic liabilities, societal, cultural, and religious dogmatic thought patterns, entrapping eddy currents of the collective unconsciousness, emotional trigger energies stuck in the 7 Concentric Resonant Bands™, cell memory, and auric field sludge, and more ….
The Problem As children, vibrational frequencies within your concentric bands of energy become compressed through the socialization process of conforming / contracting into the confined expectations of those around us. Thus blocking our awareness of reality and inhibiting our originally intended interaction with the Creative Matrix of the Universe™.
When any of our 7 Concentric Resonant Bands™ are compressed, we begin to feel empty and without purpose, floundering, wondering who am I, and what am I supposed to do with my life, striving and doubting whether my purpose will ever be fulfilled, knowing or sensing that there is something incomplete.
The Resolution As we “decompress” the contracted vibrational frequencies of our concentric resonant bands, the original blueprint information within us becomes available and activated to effectively interface with the Creative Matrix of the Universe™.
When these expanding concentric bands become activated, one experiences the peaceful bliss that comes with “feeling” the inevitability of one’s purpose, as already being manifest. The sensation of this state of being is not only meaningful, it’s palpable. This interaction will ultimately bring about the fulfillment of one’s Divine Birth Right Life Purpose.
Please NOTE: by participating in this Birth Rite Technology Spiritual Warrior Instructional Workshop, you have agreed to allow your voice to be recorded with the foreknowledge that. That these calls are being recorded and that should you choose to speak, you take full responsibility for what is said knowing that your words are recorded:
That the recordings shall be edited and sold as products at a later date or used for promotion of Birth Rite Technology™ as, how and where, deemed beneficial for educating the global population to the benefits available through this work, as determined solely by Tom Hudson.
By speaking with Rev. Tom Hudson, PhD on the live call you agree to such terms as expressed above, holding Tom Hudson, Birth Rite Technology™ and any associated third party, blameless for any and all liability, knowing that this recording shall be dispersed over the internet and will therefore be available to any and all who come across it.
Also, that you agree to the release of all rights of royalties to the voice recording, thereby releasing all rights for financial gain or reimbursement from proceeds received directly or indirectly from the sale of such products.
I hereby grant Tom Hudson and Birth Rite Technology™ the right to use such recordings of my name, likeness and voice in any and all forms of media, now or hereinafter created, and in perpetuity.
I further waive and relinquish all rights to inspect or approve any version(s), including finished version(s), of such recordings, including written copy that may be created in connection therewith.