Accountability, Authority & BoundariesSpiritual Hygiene™ is a list of prayers accumulated over 27 years of active “Spiritual Warfare”, effective in providing immediate resolution to specific needs of everyday life. They are especially effective in reclaiming one’s power and authority, given over to spiritual entities and malicious beings, which are interfering in your ability to remain balanced, thereby regaining your state of expansion and access to the Super-Consciousness of Divine Presence.
Emotional Balance & IntegrityThe E.A.S.E.™ systematic approach has been structured and formatted into a gentle and safe yet extremely powerful protocol which harmonically activates resonant energies within emotional stress lesions. The imploded contractile emotional energies of traumatic events radiate from the tissues of your body. You can do this for yourself and gain the confidence of being able to deal effectively with your own emotions, regardless of what the circumstances are.
SELF-ACKNOWLEDGMENT & CHAKRA BALANCINGI.A.M.™ – Self-Acknowledgment Therapy™ utilizes vibratory harmonics of the flute structure of the Lotus chambers and the central core channel to clear debris at the deepest of core levels. Learn to create undulating waves of radiant energy to clean sticky sludge from within your physical and energy bodies. Open your Divine Chakra to direct Spirit's expansion energy, melting away encrusted plaque of contractile debris, turning you into a self-healing vortex.
IMPRINTING ON THE EXPANSION OF SPIRITImprinting on the ALL THAT IS™ is a daily devotional guided meditation to rid yourself of: all forms of karmic liabilities, societal, cultural, and religious dogmatic thought patterns, auric field sludge, and emotional-trigger-energies stuck in cell memory, etc. It effectively tames the defiant nature of the ego mind, displacing debris from within you; packaged, ejected as radiant light, dispersed effectively and harmlessly into its own level of buoyancy, within the ALL THAT IS!
open into the creative matrixWorking with tools of the Creative Matrix of the Universe™ decompresses the contractile energetic debris from all aspects of your physical and energy bodies, to experience peaceful bliss and euphoria that comes with “feeling” the inevitability of your purpose, as already manifest. This state of being is not only meaningful, it’s consciously palpable. Interaction with the Creative Matrix over time brings about manifestation of Spirit's purpose for your life.
Natural Cycles of ProsperityThis year long program, delivered in seasonal segments, is designed to maintain your focus during each of four easily achievable commitments, keeping you aligned with the message of solar cycle activated prosperity. All of the very powerful and effective spiritual methods and tools I utilize for facilitating healing, are applied to resolving blocks and assisting you to step boldly into sync with prosperity; spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically and financially.
AWAKENED EXPANSION FAMILY CONSTELLATION The Awakened Expansion Family Constellation Protocol™ applies all of the above mentioned wisdom and facilitated healing methods, in a framework of self-acknowledgment of one's equality within your family and ancestral lineage. The process removes limiting blocks, family imprints, and beliefs, empowering you to step boldly into, and exercise your right, to call upon and expect support for your pursuit and fulfillment of Spirit's purpose for creating you. This also includes, resolution of dysfunctional patterns in other life times and within your team of preconception agreements.
MENTORING SPIRIT GUIDED ENTREPRENEURSSpirit Guided Coaching for the Consciously Awakened Entrepreneur™ provides facilitated healing, consulting and mentoring services for those who structure their job, profession, business, and investment goals around Spirit's purpose for their life. Together we'll spark your Spirit gifted genius, that well spring of inspiration, the passion of your heart's desire, exploring the Super-Consciousness to apply new, innovative perspectives for living your prosperous life.
Tutor-Coach-Teacher-Manager, by Geralt-9301, pixabay.com, altered w overlay of silhouette images, CC0 public domain lic, via https://pixabay.com/en/presentation-coach-tutor-business-407291/ |