Birth Rite Technology™ is a cooperative synergism of many powerful spiritual and personal growth methods and tools merged together through intuitive and divinely guided inspiration over the past twenty four years of my own life and alternative healing career experience.
More than that, Birth Rite Technology™ is a comprehensive plan of action that will guide you through the "RITE" of passage, starting from where ever you are along your path, to remind you of your higher purpose, to reconnect you with your hearts' desire, and assist you in clearing away blocks that prevent you from fulfilling your divinely ordained birth "RIGHT" potential. The energy of the Divine has shifted into its phase of expansion, directional flow of the universe quickening all to increased spiritual awareness. The momentum of the wave of transformational energy is gathering. It's time. Soak up the life giving energy of expansion. Embrace your true nature as an infinitely powerful soul by linking up with and allowing the flow of God to channel through you and bring prosperity to all. If you resonate with this message and the path I offer, come join with me in walking the journey of laying aside ego-centric reality, to embrace God-centric actuality. Take the next step toward realization of your true self, reconciling with the "Creative Spark and Genius" from which we all are derived. |